PickersPass & PickersPass+ Questions
When can I come to use my PickersPass?
Blueberry season runs from approximately July 7 through August 10. PYO is open from 8am-5pm everyday. Once the blueberry season opens, PickersPass members are welcome to come as many times as they would like to pick their 10 lbs of berries. You can do it all at once or split it into many trips. Feel free to bring friends and helpers and you are welcome to pick extra berries if you’d like. Any berries over the 10 lbs can be purchased for $4.50/lb.
How do I use PickersPass?
When you arrive at the farm for picking, please review the PYO Information Board at the front of the Cafe & Market to see what varieties and fields are open. Be sure to wash your hands and either grab one of our harvest buckets and food grade liner or use your own bucket with a complimentary food grade liner and head out to the fields! Once you are done picking, please return to the store to weigh the berries. Please let staff know your name and that you are a PickersPass member and they will deduct your berries from your account.
When can I come to use my PickersPass+?
The PickersPass+ membership gives you access to the blueberries, flowers, strawberries and cherry tomatoes. For blueberries, the season runs from approximately July 7 through August 10. PYO Blueberries is open from 8am-5pm everyday.
For PYO flowers, strawberries and cherry tomatoes, specific PYO sessions are held each week throughout the season. The tentative schedule is as follows:
Thursdays from 3-6pm
Saturdays from 9am-12pm
Flowers should be ready by mid July-October
Strawberries should be ready in late July-September
Cherry Tomatoes should be ready in mid-July through October
How do I use my PickersPass+?
For Blueberries: When you arrive at the farm for picking, please review the PYO Information Board at the front of the Cafe & Market to see what varieties and fields are open. Be sure to wash your hands and either grab one of our harvest buckets and food grade liner or use your own bucket with a complimentary food grade liner and head out to the fields! Once you are done picking, please return to the store to weigh the berries. Please let staff know your name and that you are a PickersPass member and they will deduct your berries from your account.
For Strawberries, Flowers and Cherry Tomatoes: When you arrive to the farm, check in with Farmer Jameson at the LocaBerry Stand in the Parking Lot. He will have all the tools and details for your PYO experience. Once you are done harvesting, you return back to the stand to check out with him.
How do I find out what is available to pick?
As a member, you will receive email updates throughout the season with what's available!
LocaBox Questions
What’s in a LocaBox?
The Locabox is a curated selection of fruits and vegetables that are selected each week based on seasonality. Each box has between 6-10 different items and is geared for 2-4 people. The majority of the food is sustainably grown by LocaBerry at Emery Farm and some items are from other neighboring farms and orchards.
What if I am away for a LocaBox pick-up?
As a LocaBox member, you commit to the full season and we create our planting and harvesting plan based on that commitment. If you are unable to make it to a pick up because of travel, we urge you to give that week’s box to a friend or family member. They just have to let us know when they pick up that they are “adopting” your share for the week. It's a great way to share the bounty with other foodies! If there is an emergency or something comes up, please reach out to Farmer Jameson as soon as possible and we may be able to arrange a pick up the next day. Refrigerated storage space is limited, thank you for understanding.
General Questions
Can I give my PickersPass or LocaBox as a gift?
Absolutely! Who wouldn’t love this as a gift. Gift memberships are available here. It is gift card that can be used as payment at online check-out. We need to capture their contact info so we can keep them updated!
When do I get my Wagon Ride Tickets?
You will receive your tickets in the mail or by email after you sign up. Tickets will be sent out in April.
Are pets allowed on the farm?
Due to FDA regulations, pets are not allowed to enter any growing area, including the blueberry fields. Thanks for understanding!